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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

Planting trees and shrubs

verger d'arbres avec des poules

Tips for Successful Planting of Trees and Shrubs

I don't know about you, but the city everyday gets on my nerves. I have lived in an apartment for three years, fortunately not a small one ; but after growing up in a house with a garden, I miss nature. I would even say, I would dream of one day having not only a garden, but a farm!

Cultivate your fruits, your vegetables, plant honey-producing flowers to attract all the biodiversity... And have animals everywhere, clean air, silence! Life with a capital L, at a more natural pace.

I am therefore more and more interested in outdoor culture; and in particular to trees. Fruit trees, or not.

Planting trees and shrubs properly is a crucial step to ensure their long-term growth and health; here is a simple practical guide, to help you (and me too in the future, I hope), to successfully complete this operation to fully enjoy your garden.

1. Soil preparation

Ideally, start preparing the soil about 2 months before planting. Fertilize it by adding well-rotted compost or manure. Remove weeds and check soil pH. Ventilate it by turning it slightly to promote circulation of air and nutrients.

2. Choice of planting time

Opt for autumn, as soon as the high summer heat ends. Cooler temperatures allow plants to establish more easily and develop a good root system before winter arrives.

3. Preparing the planting hole

Dig a hole about three times as wide as the plant's root ball. Moisten the root ball before putting it in the ground to help it adapt to its new environment.

4. Soil amendment

If the soil is poorly draining, add sand to the bottom of the hole. Mix soil with potting soil, compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil with nutrients.

5. Plant installation

Gently scratch the roots to separate them slightly and encourage their growth. Place the tree or shrub in the hole, spreading the roots along the bottom. Fill the hole with the earthy mixture prepared previously.

6. Soil compaction

Firmly pack the soil around the plant to eliminate air pockets and ensure good contact between the roots and soil.

7. Watering

Water the plant thoroughly after planting, and continue watering regularly throughout the first year. Gradually reduce the frequency of watering over the next two years, but be sure to keep the soil slightly moist.

8. Winter and summer protection

Mulch the soil around the plant to protect the roots from the cold in winter and the heat in summer. For young plants, consider covering them with tarps during the winter to protect them from frost.

9. Tutoring

If necessary, stake young plants to help them grow straight and resist strong winds.

10. Disease prevention

In late winter, spring and autumn after leaf fall, you can spray Bordeaux mixture to prevent disease. This solution composed of water, copper sulfate and lime helps protect your plants. Respect the recommended doses (around 15g/L, no more than 20g).

By following these simple but essential steps, you will maximize the chances of successful planting of your trees and shrubs, thus creating the garden of your dreams!

Do not hesitate to consult my articles on pests and fungal diseases which affect plants, but also trees/shrubs.


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