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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

Maintenance sheet for Pilea Involucrata 'Moon Valley'

Please note : These are non-exhaustive tips , since each plant will react differently depending on its environment. If your plant is doing very well and your maintenance does not follow this sheet to the letter, don't change anything. Pay attention to the moods of your plants first and foremost!

pilea involucrata moon valley
Mine, bought at Botanic for €16

Pilea involucrata 'moon valley':

Up to 30cm

Rapid growth

Family: Urticaceae

Exposure : Subdued – no direct sun.

Mist : approximately once a week. Misting it from time to time will keep away thrips and mites in addition to washing its leaves (if it is rainwater, otherwise watch out for traces of limescale). The water placed on the foliage must be allowed to dry between two mistings (risk of fungal diseases). In winter in particular, it is not necessary below 18°C. Namely, misting is not used to increase humidity for more than a few minutes.

Humidity : You can place it on a dish of clay balls with a bottom of water, place it in a terrarium, or offer it an air humidifier because it particularly appreciates humidity

Watering in spring/summer : 1-2 times a week; the substrate must be dry.

Watering in autumn/winter : Wait until the substrate is completely dry: every 10 days.

Temperature : Ideal between 20-25°C. Should not drop below 13°C.

Repotting : In the spring every 2 years if the plant is cramped (roots sticking out). Then wait 2 months if you want to add fertilizer.

Soil : well-drained, potting soil for green plants or houseplants and best mixed with sand or perlite. You can also make a mixture of peat soil with heather soil.

Liquid fertilizer : if used, for green plants or for cacti in small doses, spring/summer every two weeks, then stop completely. Useless if the potting soil is recent and already contains fertilizer (wait at least one month). Liquid fertilizer should always be applied to previously watered soil.

Cuttings : just cut and put in water


-Traces of white mold, deformed leaves: Powdery mildew. It is a mushroom. You must quickly cut off the affected leaves and spray the rest with black soap or nettle manure.

-The leaves fall at the base : this is simply the cycle of the plant.

- The top leaves fall : overwatering. Don't forget to wait until the substrate is dry before watering.

-The leaves curl up and/or lose their plume: lack of light. This happens especially in winter; it must be brought closer to a window.

-The leaves turn yellow: excess water or lack of light.

-The leaves turn yellow despite appropriate care: the plant lacks nutrients. Repot or add fertilizer.

-If the leaves turn black : excess water, again. But it could also be a lack of drainage. It is very important to have perlite in the potting soil, clay balls in the potting soil (and not at the bottom) if you do not have perlite, and as with all plants, you must empty the cups to prevent root rot.

Prone to mealybugs and red spiders.

Please note: It is a non-toxic plant . You have to turn it from time to time to give it uniform brightness. Also, he prefers narrow pots


There are many cares and tips that generally apply to almost all indoor plants , such as avoiding drafts, draining the substrate, avoiding installing near heat sources, avoiding direct sunlight ... To find out about them, I advise you to read my article Basic plant advice sheet . Otherwise, in general, the articles on the Advice page.

Other varieties: see Pilea


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