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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

Care sheet of Sansevieria (Snake plant)

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Please note : these are practical tips that I have gathered from several gardening sites. I myself am not a botanist. These are non-exhaustive advice, since each plant will react differently depending on its environment. If your plant is doing very well and your care does not follow this sheet to the letter, don't change anything. Be attentive to the moods of your plants before anything else!

Obviously, these are the same care tips as for each Sansevieria.

It is on my wishlist if one day succulents scare me less; here it is the Sansevieria Laurentii

Up to 1m50

Family: Asparagaceae (recently divided from Liliaceae)

Exposure : Bright or subdued - no direct sun - can quite adapt to little light (but it will grow less quickly, knowing that its growth is already quite slow at the start).

Mist : Not necessary; however, it should be cleaned from time to time with a cloth soaked in water.

Humidity : clay balls at the bottom of the pot.

Watering in spring / summer : once a week; the substrate must be dry on the surface. If you have any doubts it's better to postpone: it will fear excess water more than a drought.

Watering in autumn / winter : Wait until the substrate is dry; or approximately every 10 days.

Temperature : Ideal between 18-27 °. Must not drop below 13 °. It can go outside from May to September as long as he is home on cooler nights.

Repotting : In the spring every 2-3 years if the plant is cramped (roots sticking out). Choose a pot 2-3cm wider.

Soil : 2/3 potting soil for green plants or houseplant, with 1/3 sand or perlite.

Liquid fertilizer : if used, spring / summer once a month, then stop completely. Useless if the soil is recent and already contains fertilizer (wait at least a month). Liquid fertilizer should always be administered on a soil previously watered.

Concerns :

-The leaves turn yellow then dry : excess light.

-The leaves turn yellow and rot : excess water; check the roots ... If they are dead, you can still cut the healthy parts of the plant (minimum 5cm) and cut in water.

-Colors tarnish : lack of brightness or nutrients. Add fertilizer, repot or do a surfacing.

Relatively resistant to pests but still prone to mealybugs.

To know : Beware of drafts. Possibly toxic to animals. It is very resistant, especially to heat. It is strongly advised not to water it with hard water: water it with rain water or demineralized water. You can try with tap water if your water is not too hard and if obviously you let the water adapt to the room temperature in a bottle or a watering can : not only will it avoid a temperature shock to the plant but this will neutralize some of the limestone.

There is a lot of care and advice that generally applies to almost all houseplants, such as avoiding drafts, putting clay balls at the bottom of the pot, avoiding installing near springs heat, avoid direct sun ... To find out about them, I advise you to read my article Basic tips plants. Otherwise, generally speaking, the articles on the Basic Tips page.



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