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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

Care sheet for Spathiphyllum (moon flower)

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Please note : these are practical tips that I have gathered from several gardening sites. I am not a botanist. These are non-exhaustive advice, since each plant will react differently depending on its environment. If your plant is doing very well and your care does not follow this sheet to the letter, don't change anything. Be attentive to the moods of your plants before anything else !

Up to 1m

Family: Araceae

Exposure : Bright - no direct sun.

Flowering : from May to October.

Mist : once or twice a week, more in summer, and in winter if there is heating.

Humidity : It will appreciate a larger cup with clay balls, as well as those same balls at the bottom of her pot. It will enjoy the company of other plants.

Watering in spring / summer : twice a week; the substrate should remain slightly damp.

Watering in autumn / winter : once a week.

Temperature : Ideal between 20-22 ° (68F and 71.6F) . It can be taken out in the summer if it's not too hot and if it's not in direct sunlight. In winter, between 16 and 17 ° (60.8F and 62.6F). Do not go below 12 ° (53.6F).

Repotting : In spring every two to three years if the plant is cramped (roots sticking out)

Surfacing : once a year.

Soil : Mixture of soil for flowering or indoor plants; best mixed with heather earth and sand. Drained.

Liquid fertilizer : if used, for flowering plants and from mid-March to mid-September every two weeks, then stop completely. Useless if the soil is recent and already contains fertilizer (wait at least a month). Liquid fertilizer should always be administered on a soil previously watered.

Concerns :

-Leaves dry : lack of moisture or water.

-The leaves turn black : root rots (excess watering). You must adjust the watering and keep only the healthy roots and leaves.

-The leaves turn yellow : lack of light / lack of nutrients / excess or lack of water. Check your care habits and repot if necessary.

-If it hasn't flowered for a long time : it's probably a lack of nutrients. You can add fertilizer, but it is best to repot.

-The leaves are sagging : lack of water.

Prone to mealybugs and spider mites. But relatively resistant.

To know : Avoid drafts. You can make it flower more easily by watering it only when it is very thirsty (the leaves fall off and touch the ground). Once watered again the plant will make flowers because it thinks it will die soon and seeks to reproduce.

There is a lot of care and advice that generally applies to almost all houseplants, such as avoiding drafts, putting clay balls at the bottom of the pot, avoiding installing near springs heat, avoid direct sun ... To find out about them, I advise you to read my article Basic tips for indoor plants. Otherwise, generally speaking, the articles on the Basic Tips page.



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