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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

Aloe vera care sheet

Please note: These are non-exhaustive tips, since each plant will react differently depending on its environment. If your plant is doing very well and your maintenance does not follow this sheet to the letter, don't change anything. Pay attention to the moods of your plants first and foremost!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera care sheet

Family: Asphodelaceae

Exposure: Bright, avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Flowering: Occasionally in summer, but Aloe Vera is mainly grown for its foliage.

Misting: Not necessary, Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that stores water in its leaves and prefers dry conditions.

Humidity: Tolerates normal ambient humidity. No need for a humidifier.

Watering in Spring/Summer: Moderate, every 2-3 weeks when the soil is dry about 2-3 cm deep.

Watering in Fall/Winter: Reduced, every 4-6 weeks or when the soil is completely dry.

Temperature: Prefers temperatures between 18-24°C. Tolerates higher temperatures but not below 10°C.

Repotting: Every 2-3 years in spring, in a slightly larger pot with a mixture of cactus potting soil and sand for good drainage.

Soil: Use a mixture of cactus potting soil with one-third sand for optimal drainage.

Liquid Fertilizer: Unnecessary, Aloe Vera does not need additional fertilizer and can even be damaged by excess nutrients. Useless if the potting soil is recent and already contains fertilizer (wait at least one month). Liquid fertilizer should always be applied to previously watered soil.


-Soft, yellowish leaves: A sign of overwatering, let the soil dry before watering again.

-Brown spots on leaves: Usually caused by excess humidity or overwatering.

Please note: Aloe Vera is a plant with medicinal properties, used for its benefits for the skin and for its soothing properties. It is toxic to pets if they consume it in large quantities.

There are many cares and tips that generally apply to almost all indoor plants, such as avoiding drafts, draining the substrate, avoiding placing near heat sources, avoiding direct sunlight ... To find out about them, I advise you to read my article Basic plant advice sheet. Otherwise, generally speaking, the articles on the Basic Advice page.


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