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  • Writer's pictureMiss Green

11 tips to increase the humidity of a room

As you will have noticed, indoor green plants are generally tropical plants that come from South America. Moreover, in garden centers, the atmosphere is often hot and very humid. However, this is rarely the case with our houses or our apartments: it gets cold quickly in winter without heating, and in winter as in summer, the air is often too dry for our friends the plants.

There are a few simple tips to increase the humidity in a room:

1- Buy a plant humidifier

The fastest and least effortless trick is still, although not the most economical, to invest in a plant humidifier. It will give your plants the humidity they need all year round. But if you want different tips, here are others: (generally less effective and less durable of course)

2- Use a basin of lukewarm water in summer

You can also place in a room, near your plants or not (depending on whether they are arranged in a specific place together or not) a basin of lukewarm water, as soon as it is hot enough, usually in summer: it is the evaporation which will come to humidify the room. But this is a seasonal trick.

3- Install a decorative fountain

Once again, it is the evaporation that will help us: by installing a decorative fountain in a targeted room, in addition to adding a zen side thanks to the sound of the water flowing, you will help regulate the hygrometry of the room in which you will have installed it.

4- Hang dry laundry

Indeed, hanging laundry coming out of the machine in a targeted room will increase the humidity level, thanks to evaporation. However, this is obviously temporary, since once the clothes are dry the effect stops.

5- Spray as often as possible

If you don't want to use any of the above tips, all you have to do is spray your plants' foliage regularly. Be careful, however, leaves with grainy textures or imitating velvet cannot be sprayed, so excess water will have to be removed. You should also be careful not to spray the substrate, which could disrupt your watering habits.

6- Leave the bathroom door open ...

... after a shower. Especially if you tend to use very hot water. Again, this is only temporary.

7- Do the ironing in a targeted room

Ironing generates a lot of water vapor, and increases the humidity during this activity.

8- Put your plants not far from each other

Quite simply because the water left on their foliage will evaporate and humidify the air around the plant. Together they will also 'sweat' and create a small, more humid air bubble.

9- Use depolluting plants

They 'sweat' more.

10- Switch off and unplug the devices

Also remember to unplug your electrical devices, such as computers, and turn them off, as they generate a lot of dry heat.

11- Do not increase the heating too much

The ideal is to stay around 20 ° (68F), but preferably not above 21 ° (69.81F). And do not place your plants near a heater.

12- Air 2-3 times a day ...

... To renew the air. However, be careful with drafts, and in winter, do not open for more than 5 minutes each time.


The best is still, in my opinion, to buy a plant humidifier, and to combine it with the other tips from number 5. Be careful not to humidify a room too much: for plants it will be good, but for your furniture or your walls, less! (mold ...)

Misting your plants also helps to clean their leaves. To clean them optimally, it is more efficient to remove the dust with a wet sponge or cloth. Keeping them moist will also protect them from red spiders, for example.

The ideal humidity level in a house / apartment is between 40 and 60%, not just for your plants, but also to prevent dry skin or allergies. An atmosphere below 30% can cause your wooden furniture / instruments to crack.

If the plant is xerophytic, which means that it comes from a desert environment and likes dry environments (such as cacti for example), it will be necessary to adjust the humidity between 30% and 60%.

If the plant is epiphyte, which means that it originally lives in a very humid tropical environment (the definition of epiphyte means that it is plants which cling to other plants - often trees - which form obstacles to the wind), it will be necessary to regulate the hygrometry between 70 and 100% for an optimal growth.

They can obviously survive between 40 and 60% for the majority since they are sold after being acclimatized, but they will have a slower growth rate.

To optimize their growth as much as possible, it is necessary to get as close as possible to their living conditions in nature.


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